Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Grafitti Removal-April 16th

For his Eagle project, a local Boy Scout and his troop removed grafitti from the equipment.
Lee Witten also made a video of their work:

Whatever they were using, it did a good job. No trace of the grafitti- and the body paint wasn't damaged at all. Thanks, Josh!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

April 9th Worksession

Lots of riveting- this time with 1/4" rivets instead of the regular 1/2" ones. These mini rivets hold the flange around the top of the tank on.

Here, we see the crew selecting the next rivet to be used:

While the unfortunate soul who volunteered to handle the rivet gun prepares to enter the tender tank:

We finished the tank braces, which are made out of boiler tubes as were the originals. These will be riveted in place soon.

All pictures by Joshua Bernhard

Monday, April 4, 2011

April 2nd Worksession

Lee Witten made a video of the riveting done on the 223's tender on Saturday April 2nd: